Operating Class – Spring 2023

Free weekly 3-hour Zoom sessions providing info on a wide range of Amateur Radio Operating Activities will start on Thursday March 30 and run through June 15 at 6:30 PM Eastern time.  Each session is independent, so you can attend all or just selected evenings.  The presenters will be folks very experienced in the various subjects.

A detailed syllabus will be published before the classes begin.  Attend them all, or any that you like, but you must register for the classes.  To receive registration information, contact Rol Anders, K3RA, at roland.anders@comcast.net

Subjects will include:

  • All About Operating–A general Introduction
  • Amateur Radio Organizations—Local to International
  • Ham Radio Awards
  • DXing-History and Tips from the Experts
  • QSLing-How to get that needed card for DXCC or WAS
  • VHF/UHF Weak Signal Work and “Roving”
  • Image Operating—Slow Scan and Fast Scan TV
  • Remote Station control over internet
  • Learning CW in the no-code era
  • Digital Modes—From RTTY to FT8 and beyond
  • Contesting—How to get started, tips for the beginner and intermediated contester
  • Logging Software—What’s available, how to use
  • Propagation—A general intro to HF Propagation
  • Amateur Satellites—How to get started
  • Portable (backpacking) operation—Tips from an expert
  • Setting Up a Modern (or not so modern) HF Station
  • Lightning Protection and Grounding
  • Traffic Handling
  • Public Service, Emergency Communications  


Winter 2023 Extra Class Course

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Extra Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, January 12, 2023, and will run through Thursday, March 23.  There will be 11 sessions.  The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  Sessions will be recorded.  Those attending should hold (or be studying for) the General Class Amateur Radio License.  These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Those wishing to sign up should email roland.anders@comcast.net.

Fall 2022 General Class Course

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Oct 27, and will run for 10 sessions.    The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  These are the classes that we have been holding for years, sponsored by the National Electronics Museum.  Students need only provide their own ARRL General Class License Manual (available via ARRL or Amazon).  Those wishing to sign up should email: roland.anders@comcast.net.

Fall 2022 Technician Class Course

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Technician Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Sept  8, and will run through Thursday, October  20  (7 sessions).    The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  These are the classes that we have been holding for years, sponsored by the National Electronics Museum.  Please publicize this with anyone you know that you think would be interested.  Those wishing to sign up should email me at roland.anders@comcast.net.

Operating Class – Spring 2022

Free weekly 3-hour Zoom sessions providing info on a wide range of Amateur Radio Operating Activities will start on Thursday April 7 and run through June 9 at 6:30 PM Eastern time.  Sessions will be taught by experts, and the subjects include:

All About Operating–A general Introduction

Amateur Radio Organizations—Local to International

Ham Radio Awards       

DXing-History and Tips from the Experts

QSLing-How to get that needed card for DXCC or WAS

VHF/UHF Weak Signal Work and “Roving”

Image Operating—Slow Scan and Fast Scan TV

Remote Station control over internet

Learning CW in the no-code era

Digital Modes—From RTTY to FT8 and beyond

Contesting—How to get started, tips for the beginner and intermediated contester

Logging Software—What’s available, how to use

Propagation—A general intro to HF Propagation

Amateur Satellites—How to get started              

Portable (backpacking) operation—Tips from an expert

Setting Up a Modern (or not so modern) HF Station

Lightning Protection and Grounding

Traffic Handling

Public Service, Emergency Communications      

A detailed syllabus will be published before the classes begin.  Attend them all, or any that you like, but you must register for the classes.  To receive registration information, contact Rol Anders, K3RA, at roland.anders@comcast.net

Extra Class – Winter 2022

The upcoming Extra Class course will run from 20 January 2022 to 31 March 2022 (11 Thursday evenings). Classes will be held on Zoom, starting at 1830 ET, and run for 3 hours each night. Classes are free and sponsored by the National Electronics Museum; but you should have the current version of the ARRL Extra Class License Manual (available from ARRL and usually Amazon). Feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested. Registration is required: email roland.anders@comcast.net to register.

2022 Dues

The new membership form for 2022 is now posted on the Web site. NOTE the new address, and also the PayPal information, should you wish to pay dues via that means. 2022 dues should be paid by 31 January 2022 to remain in good standing.

General Class Course – Winter 2021

A free General Class course starts on Thursday, October 28, and runs until Thursday, January 19 (9 sessions plus 3 weeks off for the Holidays in November and December). The class will be held via Zoom. Sessions start at 6:30PM Eastern Time and run 3 hours. You will need the current version of the General Class License Manual. The manual is published by ARRL; it is available from ARRL and usually also from Amazon. These classes are sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Please register by emailing Rol Anders at roland.anders@comcast.net

Technician Class Course – Fall 2021

A free Technician Class course starts on Thursday, September 9, and runs for 7 weeks. The class will be held via Zoom. Sessions start at 6:30PM Eastern Time and run 3 hours. You will need the current version of the Technician Class License Manual. The manual is published by ARRL; it is available from ARRL and usually also from Amazon. These classes are sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Please register by emailing Rol Anders at roland.anders@comcast.net.

Operating Course – Spring 2021

The National Electronics Museum is sponsoring its well-received Operating Course again starting April 15, 2021 and running each Thursday for 11 weeks from 6:30 to 9:30 EDST on Zoom.   There is no charge for participation.  The purpose of these classes is to provide information to help licensed radio amateurs to participate in the many on-the-air activities available in the hobby.  The presenters are very experienced in their topics—many are nationally known experts—and they will be available to answer your questions following the presentations.   The exact order of presentations will be determined and published in the next few weeks.   These are independent presentations, and participants are free to participate in any or all of the evenings.   Feel free to pass this announcement along to others, but we request that all prospective attendees register by emailing Tom Christovich at tom.christovich@gmail.com . You will receive confirmation of enrollment and the Zoom link for attendance by reply email.  Here is a tentative list of topics:

  • All About Operating-an Introduction
  • Amateur Radio Organizations: Local, National, and International clubs, societies and groups devoted to specific aspects of amateur radio
  • Ham Radio Operating Award Hunting—from working Lighthouses to the DXCC Challenge
  • DXing
  • QSLing
  • VHF/UHF Weak Signal Work
  • Remote Station Control Over Internet
  • CW in the No-code Era
  • Digital modes
  • Imaging Operating
  • Contesting
  • Logging Software
  • HF Propagation
  • Amateur Satellite Comms
  • Portable (backpacking) Operation, including Park and Summits
  • Setting Up an HF Station
  • Emergency and Public Service Communications (ARES and RACES)
  • Traffic Handling
  • Lightning Protection and Grounding